The Origins of 420 How April 20 Became Weed Day

The Origins of 420: How April 20 Became Weed Day

Every April 20, millions of people around the world celebrate World Marijuana Day, an event that has gained popularity and relevance in rece…

Does BNSF Drug Test? Employment: Ensuring Safety with Enhanced Drug Testing

Does BNSF Drug Test? Ensuring Safety with Enhanced Drug Testing Protocols The safety of all the people, and in areas like railways, is the m…
how long does weed stay in hair follicle

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your Hair?

How long does weed stay in a hair follicle? Weed can stay in your hair for 90 days, sometimes shorter and sometimes longer. It all depends o…

Can a Hair Follicle Test Detect One-Time Use?

If you typed "Can a hair follicle test detect one time use?", into Google and found this article, you've found the information you're lookin…

How Long Does Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Stay in the System

The effects of THC or marijuana may fade away, but its metabolites can stay in your body longer. Active THC metabolites and the breakdown pr…
Bias In Drugs Testing Facts, Myths, Gender And Race

Bias In Drugs Testing: Facts, Myths, Gender And Race

Employers and authorities carry out hair follicle drug tests as a means of ensuring safety and productivity in the workplace, as well as in …
4 - THC Edibles Will It Show In My Hair Drug Test

THC Edibles: Will It Show In My Hair Drug Test?

These days, random drugs testing is becoming more and more common for travel, medical appointments or even as part of employment. Some emplo…

Success Stories of Passing Hair Follicle Test

Drug tests are a fact of life these days and more and more, people are being tested using hair follicle drug tests to gain employment. In fa…
2 - How to stay drug free

How To Stay Drug Free After Starting A Job That Requires Drug Testing

Although some drugs are now legalized in certain states for medical use or recreational use, they can still be deemed a health and safety ha…

Nail Test For Drugs - Important Tips to Avoid Nail Testing

Tips to avoid nail testing Nail testing is becoming more common with hair follicle tests. For exp: If someone doesn’t have enough head hai…
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