Macujo Method
Let me introduce myself, my name is Mike and I have been helping people pass their hair drug tests since 1999. Over the years many customers could never pass with harder drugs like Cocaine, Meth or Opiates and we made many tweaks to our method and we finally perfected it over 3 years ago. To date, we have thousands of satisfied customers that purchased from our web site, Amazon and E-bay stores.
Mike’s Macujo Method Vs. Original Macujo Method
Mike’s Macujo Method vs Macujo Method
The Original Macujo Method only works for the removal of Marijuana, and only for moderate levels of marijuana. It has about a 90% success rate. If you have any other drugs in your hair or have high levels of marijuana in your hair and you can't risk failing your hair test you must use Mike's Macujo Method.
Mike's Macujo Method was created to remove all drugs and alcohol from your hair and it also has a better success rate than my original Macujo method for the removal of THC. If you have a hair drug test coming up you should only follow Mike's Macujo Method.
We get thousands of calls from our customers that passed using Mike's Macujo Method, that we decided to make this video detailing all the steps of Mike's Macujo Method.
Mike's Macujo Method Step by Step Instructions
First, wash your hair thoroughly with the Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo, then rinse off well and towel dry with a clean towel.
Get large salad bowl and fill it with Arm N Hammer baking soda. Slowly add warm water and mix until the consistency is like a Gravy or Marinara sauce, it must be very wet or it will clump up. Now massage in hair for 5 to 7 minutes then rinse off and towel dry.
Spray the Clean and Clear or Neutrogena Clear Pore Astringent or Equate Deep Clean Astringent. over your whole head and make sure you spray enough to saturate your entire head and massage in for 5 to 7 minutes. Have your towel ready and wipe anything that drips down. Let Astringent sit for 30 minutes. Important Tips: Vaseline around forehead and ears will prevent a rash from the Astringent. You can also wear a shower cap, be careful with the Astringent as this is the strongest chemical you will use during this process.
(After 30 minutes of the astringent Sitting on your head) Take a very small dab of Liquid Tide and scrub the hair follicle for 3 to 7 minutes. Rub the Tide with your fingers and you should feel like the tide is an abrasive rubbing against the hair. Try not to make it very foamy or sudsy then rinse off the tide detergent well.
Apply Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo and rinse off.
Spray vinegar on your entire head and make sure you spray enough to saturate your entire head. Massage thoroughly into hair and do not rinse off, only pat dry. Wipe forehead and ears if necessary.
Spray Astringent over your entire head and make sure the hair is saturated with Astringent and Massage thoroughly. You should feel a strong tingling sensation. (Do not get this into your ears or eyes). Have a towel ready to wipe away anything drips down and let the Astringent sit on your hair for 30 minutes.
(After 30 minutes of the Astringent Sitting on your head) Take a very small dab of Liquid Tide and scrub the hair follicle for 3 to 7 minutes. Rub the Tide with your fingers and you should feel like the tide is an abrasive rubbing against the hair. Try not to make it very foamy or sudsy and then rinse off the tide detergent well.
Now do last wash with Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo so your hair won’t smell like vinegar or laundry.
It’s easier to follow the video guide on Step by step video page
Mike’s Macujo Method – Hair Cleansing Guide Infographic
How to pass hair follicle drug test
Detox Aloe Rid Shampoo
One of the best ways to pass a hair drug test is to use a detox shampoo for hair.
Drug detox shampoo will:
- Remove drug metabolites from hair
- Clean oil from the scalp
- Help you pass a hair follicle drug test
Based on what we found, the best hair detox shampoo is Macujo Aloe Rid.
also see: Our Reviews
As you can see, unlike the regular macujo method, Mike’s Macujo Method was made to be different. This hair detoxification method was created to deep clean your hair to totally remove all drugs and alcohol from the hair shaft. Using the Macujo Aloe Rid shampoo is the best shampoo to use with Mike’s method because it can get deep into the strands of your hair to completely clean it from the inside out. In fact, it is the only approved shampoo for use with Mike’s Macujo Method and helps to guarantee your success with this detox process.
Mike’s Macujo FAQ’s
Do I need to Mike's MacujoMmethod to pass a hair test?
Yes; if you want to pass your hair drug test that is. Our method is the only guaranteed way that you can pass a hair follicle drug test. Other methods like shaving and natural body detoxing have no guarantee to work and you risk failing your test. You need to follow the instructions you’re given and you should be able to get your pass on the test using Mike’s Macujo method.
How many times should I repeat The Mike's Macujo Method?
The number of times you need to repeat mikes macujo method will be different based on what type drugs you have used and how heavy you used them. You can find specific recommendations for how many macujo method washes you should do on the wash calculator on our website.
Head hair vs body hair—what can be tested?
At the drug test site, the person giving you the test will cut samples of your hair from your head that are 1.5 inches long. If you don’t have this much hair on your head, they can test your body hair. If you don’t want them to test your body hair, make sure they don’t have the chance. This is the reason it’s important for you to keep your body hair short as well when it’s time for your test.
We’re here to help!
Our customer service is available to help answer any questions you have over the phone. If you’re unsure of something—call us! You can also find reviews and resources on our website that will help explain anything you need to know about using this method for hair detoxification.
Drugs and hair follicle testing all keep evolving and other detox hair methods just can’t keep up with the change. Mike’s Macujo Method is the up-to-date detox method you need. Our method is your best option available to get toxins out of your hair because it can work for everyone that uses drugs. We made sure that our method would be able to help anyone be successful. We make only real products and give you steps that actually work. Now’s the time; give us a try if you haven’t already. The past three years of success stories from those who have passed hair tests are proof that Mike’s Macujo Method is the go-to for hair detox.