how long does angel dust remain detectable in my body

How Long Does PCP Stay in Your System?

Introduction Are you a PCP user and wondering how long does PCP stay in your system? PCP is the most dangerous drug that provides hallucinog…
6 - Drug Tests - Why You Might End Up With A False-Positive Result

Drug Tests: Why You Might End Up With A False-Positive Result

Why Does Your Workplace Ask for a Drugs Test? Random drugs testing is becoming more common in the workplace and in education. This is becaus…
5 Panel Drug Test What Will You Be Tested For

5 Panel Drug Test: What Will You Be Tested For

It’s common practice for certain employers to ask for a drug test before offering you a formal contract of employment.   This is part…
3 - The New Normal - Fentanyl Laced Street Drugs

The New Normal: Fentanyl Laced Street Drugs

Fentanyl is the new drug currently being released onto the streets, with traces showing up in other drugs including the commonly used Crack-…
1 - Cannabis Warning

Cannabis Warning: Users Can Still Lose Their Jobs In States Where It Is Legalized

Across 37 states, it is now legal to use marijuana for medical purposes or recreationally. However, in some fields, employers will still con…

How to Destroy Metabolites in Hair

Drug Metabolites in your Blood Stream Drug users often want to remove metabolites from their hair because failing drug tests can be detrimen…

Passing a Hair Follicle Drug Test with Dreadlocks

Are you worried about passing a drug hair test if you have dreadlocks? Mike’s Macujo Method is the method for you since it works on all ha…

How to pass a Crack-cocaine hair drug test with ease

Passing a hair drug test is an uphill task for people who use drugs like Rock(cocaine). These people are always looking out for easy ways of…
shampoo to pass a hair follicle test

What's the Best Shampoo to Pass a Hair Follicle Test?

Did you know that in 2017 researchers conducted over 10 million drug tests in various workplaces in the U.S.? There are many types of…
hair follicle drug test

Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test: 7 Common Myths You Need to Know

Do you need to take a hair follicle drug test as a condition of your bail or to earn visitation rights of your kids? Is your work asking you…
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